Rəqəmsal diplomatiya xarici siyasətin aləti kimi - Azərbaycan nümunəsi

Üzr istəyirik, lakin bu məqalə yalnız ingiliscə mövcuddur.
- Azərbaycan
- rəqəmsal
- diplomatiya
- Xarici siyasət
- Rusiya və MDB
Üzr istəyirik, lakin bu məqalə yalnız ingiliscə mövcuddur.
Aydin Karimov is a graduate of ADA University, where he obtained his BA degree in International Studies. His main areas of focus include Middle East Politics, Energy Relations of Azerbaijan and U.S Studies. He participated at Student Leadership Program funded by the U.S. Department of States at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. He has got professional work experience as an assistant at the Embassy of Azerbaijan to the United States, an academic and research assistant at the School of Public and International Affairs of ADA University, and as an International Trade Analyst at Baku International Sea Trade Port.